Edutopia, from the George Lucas Educational Foundation is a fabulous website full of resources for educators. With best practices strategies, blogs, videos, lesson plans, discussion groups and plenty of options for PD, this is one website I continually go back to.
For the last five weeks I have been involved with Edutopia's New Teacher Boot Camp, led by the tireless advocate for new teacher support, Lisa Dabbs, and founder of #ntchat on Twitter every Wednesday night at 8pm. (EST) This past Wednesday we had a webinar to wrap up our boot camp. The purpose of this camp was to introduce new teachers to some of the valuable web 2.0 tools that are out there in the internet world, and model for us how to effectively and authentically use them in the classroom. I had a great time during the camp, learned a lot about some great tools, practiced utilizing them on my own, and had some very engaging conversations with the contributing educators and my fellow campers.
I just wanted to take a moment to reflect upon my experience and offer a thank you to everyone who was involved in the creation of this camp experience. I know a lot of hard work, time, and effort went into it, and it was all greatly appreciated. While being introduced to and working with these tools was wonderful, it was the conversations I had surrounding these tools that really made the experience come alive for me. It is the sharing of ideas so freely that makes this community of educators so amazing. Everyone I engaged with over the course of these last five weeks was so creative and thoughtful, each person had different experiences and passions that made for such an amazing pool of contributions. I love this idea of collaborative brainstorming, sharing our thoughts and ideas with one another. I came away from this camp with broader horizons and a new bag of tricks to dig into and for that I am truly grateful and inspired.
Here is the link to my boot camp portfolio which holds all of the work and reflections from my experiences with the following five web 2.0 tools (the links will take you to the nt boot camp blog on each tool):
wordle, voicethread, storybird, wetoku, and blogging.
I hope you enjoy taking a look through these great resources as much as I have!
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